March 13-14, 2017: CHARA Science Meeting
March 15, 2017: CHARA Community Workshop
March 16, 2017: Tour of CHARA Facilities at Mt Wilson
The 2017 CHARA Science Meeting will be held on March 13 - 14, 2017 at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California. The meeting will feature talks on recent advances in instrumentation and ongoing science programs using the CHARA Array. There will be a reception/dinner on the evening of Tuesday, March 14th.
On March 15 we will hold a workshop for astronomers interested in applying for community access time to CHARA through NOAO. The workshop will provide an overview on interferometry, the science capabilities of the CHARA Array, and how to prepare and apply for observing time at CHARA.
We will also be offering a tour of the mountain facilities for those who have not seen them on the Thursday, March 16.