2018 CHARA Science Meeting


Participants Registered for the 2018 CHARA Science Meeting:

Matt Anderson (CHARA/GSU)
Fabien Baron (GSU)
Simon Borgniet (Lesia Observatoire de Paris)
Laurent Bourges (JMMC (OSUG))
David Buscher (University of Cambridge)
Frederic Cassaing (Onera)
Bertrand Charlet (ALPAO)
Vincent Coude du Foresto (Observatoire de Paris - LESIA)
Claire Davies (University of Exeter)
Denis Defrere (University of Liege)
Agathe Demathieu (Universite Technologique de Compiegne)
Gilles Duvert (JMMC, IPAG, Observatoire de Grenoble)
Christopher Farrington (CHARA/GSU)
Douglas Gies (Georgia State University)
Katie Gordon (Georgia State University)
Jeremy Jones (CHARA/GSU)
Pierre Kervella (Observatoire de Paris)
Robert Klement (CHARA)
Jacques Kluska (Leuven)
Stefan Kraus (University of Exeter)
Stefan Kuiper (TNO, The Netherlands)
Aaron Labdon (University of Exeter)
Cyprien Lanthermann (IPAG)
Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin (IPAG / UMI)
Lucien Lehmann (XLIM)
Roxanne Ligi (INAF-OA Brera)
Elizabeth Lincoln (GSU)
Pierre Mahiou (ALPAO)
Matthew Maniscalco (TNO)
Marc-Antoine Martinod (Lagrange - OCA)
Guillaume Mella (JMMC - Observatoire de Grenoble)
Antoine Merand (European Southern Observatory)
Stefano Minardi (Astrophysical Institute Potsdam)
John Monnier (University of Michigan)
Denis Mourard (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur)
Arturo O. Martinez (Georgia State University)
Fabien Patru (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris)
Ifan Payne (Magdalena Ridge Observatory)
Ettore Pedretti (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam)
Karine Perraut (IPAG (Grenoble))
Francois Reynaud (XLIM)
Stephen Ridgway (NOAO)
Rachael Roettenbacher (Stockholm University)
Gail Schaefer (CHARA - Georgia State University)
Henrique Schmitt (Naval Research Laboratory)
Nic Scott (NASA ARC)
Isabelle Tallon-Bosc (CRAL (Lyon))
Theo ten Brummelaar (CHARA/GSU)
Aashana Tripathi (University of Potsdam)
Boris Trahin (Observatoire de Paris - LESIA)
Nils Turner (GSU/CHARA)


Total Number: 52

NOTE: The participant list is updated manually, so there might be a delay between the time you register and when your name appears on the list.